Saturday, January 13, 2007

Welcome to Bull Creek Foundation...

We're a group of volunteers who have been working in the Bull Creek Watershed of Austin TX on park, open space and balanced development projects since 1994....

We're an all-volunteer affiliate of the Austin Parks Foundation, and we have ongoing volunteer projects at Bull Creek District Park, the Greenbelt Trail and the forthcoming Bull Creek Water Quality Protection Lands trail. Our volunteer workdays are posted on our page (that you are viewing)

Our mission is dedicated to promoting a harmonious balance between nature, recreation, and sustainable economic development within the 32 square mile Bull Creek watershed. The watershed includes high quality ecological areas with limestone seeps, springs, and waterways; scenic cliffs and waterfalls; unique archeological and cultural features; and rare plant and animal life. The watershed's boundaries can roughly be defined as the area inside highways 620 and 183, Mesa Drive, and just south of FM 2222.

For further information...
contact Skip Cameron, President
8711 Bluegrass Drive, Austin, TX 78759
home: 794-0531
email: scameron at austin dot rr dot com