Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lower Bull Creek Greenbelt Schedule

Below you will find the Lower Bull Creek Greenbelt Schedule for the next couple of weeks. Check it out, see where you'd like to participate, and respond by email to George Innis at
gsnsj at sbcglobal dot net

28 Nothing yet scheduled.
If you'd like to help out, let me know, and we'll set up a time and an activity.

30 6 PM Ligustrum removal. Volunteers needed: 2 more.

2 Nothing yet scheduled.
If you'd like to help out, let me know, and we'll set up a time and an activity.

3 7 AM Chinaberry removal. Volunteers needed: 1 more.

4 Nothing yet scheduled.
If you'd like to help out, let me know, and we'll set up a time and an activity.

5 Early Underbrush thinning. Volunteers needed: 2 more.

7 Early Wire removal. Volunteers needed: 2 more.

6 PM Invasive survey at St Eds. Volunteers needed: 0.

8 Nothing yet scheduled.
If you'd like to help out, let me know, and we'll set up a time and an activity.

9 Early Invasive removal. Volunteers needed: 3 more.

10 Early Remove down cedar. Volunteers needed: 2 more.