Monday, July 2, 2012

Bull Creek Trail Walk

Bull Creek Greenbelt Trail was visited by an informal Walking Group on July 2, and they trekked the Smith Trail on the west side of 360 and the creek side and bluff trails on the east side of 360. Here's a picture of the 22 folks guided by Skip Cameron.

The Monday/Friday Walking Group, started in the fall of 2001 as an 8 week introduction to the hiking trails in Austin and Central Texas. It was offered through the Lifetime Learning Institute  which has lots of informal classes for people over 50. Alumni of that group and others who heard about the opportunity have continued walking together twice weekly (Monday and Friday). They start at 9:00am in Summer months, and visit some 30 trails that are scheduled based on time of the year, weather and creek conditions.  There are no dues and roll is not taken.  A monthly listing of the trails is emailed monthly and more detailed info on the next two walks is sent by email weekly, generally on Monday. Mario Wiedenmeier mawi1 AT mac DOT com sends out the schedule. Email Mario if you'd like to be on the notice list.